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Archive for October 2015

Windows and the virus game frustrations

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I am so frustrated with having to clean someones computer of viruses. Friends if you don’t have a clue how to rid your machine of viruses (I wish you wouldn’t have that problem) I suggest you stop using a Windows PC as a everyday internet device, Microsoft can’t seem to protect us. If you want to Facebook, social media, play simple games get a tablet computer, such as a fire, android or apple iPad or just use your phone.
A Chromebook works great also, I got one for $169 from Amazon, it boots up fast, i can email, do writing, pay bills, simple games, social media, watch youtube, work on photos, type letters and print almost everything a full fledge PC can do. Best of all, if it gets a problem just “power wash it”

For those of you with money to burn get a apple computer. This way the Genius peeps can help.

My motto now is “Friends don’t let friends do social media on a windows PC”

Written by dustytoaster

October 18, 2015 at 9:23 pm

Posted in computers, facebook, tips